G’day I’m Marcus.
I’ll be honest with you, I had some semi professional sounding write-up thing here but it really wasn’t doing much for me so let’s have a heart to heart instead.
Let me start by saying I’m sorry for misleading you – I do all the things a graphic designer does so yes, I guess that makes me a graphic designer. I’ve been designing stuff for as long as I can remember and love getting my hands dirty on creative projects of all kinds. Over the years I’ve been a songwriter, I’ve made skateboards and furniture, I’ve done about as much as you can do mechanically shy of starting an apprenticeship, I make my own jewellery, and I’ve dabbled extensively in painting and drawing, all of which of course leads me to design.
I like scribbling stuff. It feels real and genuine and something a computer can’t create (despite the looming AI takeover). I don’t think I could identify a niche my style belongs to, and I hope to see that as a positive thing. Don’t get me wrong, I have a burning love for all waves and movements of modernist design throughout the 20th century, but where I feel most at home is with a Lamy pen in hand scratching out rough illustrations and lettering that is full of equal amounts character and error.
Anywho, I appreciate you reading this far – you must like me. I’d love for you to get in touch if you like to hear more of my ramblings. Maybe I could help you unravel and more concisely express some ramblings of your own. Wouldn’t that be nice.
Much love,